Safe Pregnancy Diet | Is it...

If you’re pregnant, you’ll hear a lot of old wives’ tales regarding what you can and cannot eat. Pineapple is one of the many foods that seem to be surrounded with misinformation, so in case you’re wondering, you can indeed eat pineapple while pregnant. Pineapple is a tasty and nutritious fruit, and you can eat it fresh or canned. That being said, there are a few things to keep in mind first.

 Safe Pregnancy Diet | Is it Safe to Eat Pineapple During Pregnancy?

How Nutritious Is Pineapple?

Pineapple is very good for you whether you’re pregnant or not. If you’re pregnant and you eat just one cup of pineapple, it provides almost 100% of your daily requirement of vitamin C. In addition, it has a lot of other nutrients considered important for a growing fetus, including copper, vitamin B6, iron, folate, manganese, and magnesium.

Even though pineapple is a nutritious food, many myths are still floating around about eating this fruit while you’re pregnant. They include that pineapple:

  • Can induce labor
  • Can cause miscarriage
  • Can cause the baby to have allergies
  • Can harm the baby
  • Can help with morning sickness

While it can help some women have less severe morning sickness, the other things mentioned here are myths, which means that eating pineapple in pregnancy is perfectly safe for most women. If you’ve never been a pineapple eater before now, just keep an eye out for any negative side effects, which could mean that you’re allergic to pineapple.


Can You Eat Too Much Pineapple While You’re Pregnant?

This is something that isn’t a myth. You can indeed eat too much pineapple when you’re pregnant, but it isn’t as serious as you might think. It will not cause you to go into labor if you eat a whole pineapple and it won’t cause a miscarriage, but it can give you some unpleasant digestive issues. Some of this is due to the enzyme called bromelain, which breaks down proteins quickly and can cause a host of stomach problems.

Pineapple also has a lot of fiber and acid, which can cause both digestive issues and even heartburn. The bottom line is this: If you’ve ever wondered, can you eat pineapple while pregnant, the answer is “yes,” but make sure that you do not eat it in large quantities. You can eat pineapple every day, but don’t eat a lot of it lest you risk certain stomach and digestive problems.


Can I Drink Pineapple Juice While Pregnant?

Much as with fresh or canned pineapple, pregnant women can drink pineapple juice, but the same rules apply for pineapple juice as for canned or fresh pineapple. Pineapple juice should be consumed in moderation, especially if you’re prone to heartburn, at risk for gestational diabetes, or have stomach problems. Keep in mind that pineapple has a lot of natural sugar in it, so if you’re already diabetic or have diabetes in your family, your doctor may ask you to stay away from it.


Should You Worry About the Bromelain in Pineapple?

Most experts agree that the amount of bromelain, an enzyme, in pineapple is not at all harmful. In fact, bromelain is found mostly in the core of the pineapple, which we don’t eat. There is only a small amount of bromelain in the flesh of the pineapple, which is the edible part, and it isn’t enough for concern.

In fact, in order for bromelain to cause contractions or early labor, you’d have to eat huge quantities of pineapple, and you’d very likely have a bad stomach ache before you even got to that point.

In fact, pregnant women can eat several cups of pineapple per day and still not worry about it causing any serious problems. If you eat the pineapple slowly and in moderation, your stomach will tell you when the amount is starting to be too much. Just listen to your body and you’ll know when to stop eating pineapple for the day.


How to Add Appropriate Amounts of Pineapple to Your Diet

If you’re developing some nutritious meals for pregnancy so you can have a well-balanced diet, the first thing you should know is that according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), your diet should come from five basic food groups:

  • Protein (meat, poultry, beans, etc.)
  • Dairy (milk, yogurt, cheeses)
  • Fruits (almost any type is fine)
  • Vegetables (almost all of them)
  • Grains (whole-grain bread, brown rice, oatmeal, etc.)

If you wish to add some pineapple to your diet without going overboard, make sure that your diet is balanced, and try these tips:

  • Add it to kabobs, along with meat and veggies
  • Place it on top of a homemade pizza
  • Add a few fresh pineapple chunks into your smoothie
  • Add a few chunks into a stir-fry recipe
  • Grill the pineapple to give it an even better flavor

If you choose to eat pineapple from a can, make sure that the juice is 100% pineapple juice; otherwise, there is probably sugar added and that isn’t good for you. Simply put, if you wish to eat pineapple while you’re pregnant, use some common sense and don’t eat too much of it on any given day.



Pineapple is a delicious and very nutritious fruit that is good for everyone, and that includes pregnant women. Contrary to what many people have been told, eating pineapple during your pregnancy will not cause a miscarriage or early labor, although you should always eat the fruit in moderation. Too much pineapple can cause digestive problems or a rise in your blood sugar since it has a lot of natural sugar in it.

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